10 December, 2006

eggs or amoeba - wde

I have come to bangalore for work. I had not carried any of my paints/brushes. But when I found that there was net connection at the flat I couldnt resist joining the wde…. and with some difficuty found a store and picked up a canvas 15cms*20cms, burnt sienna acrylic colour and a brush…. the result….
This weeks wde was hosted by Al and he had posted black and white colour pics and had aksed to add colours as one wished. But I couldnt put colours since the store had small tubes of burnt sienna only… all other colours were either 120ml tubes or only in sets of 12….

A good thing I found in that store was drying retardents for acrylics. I will try it when I’m back home the coming weekend.

Rest is good… the weather is wonderful in Bangalore and nice. Love the greenery here…. But also that the place where I’m staying is upmarket….! Wish Delhi was equally greener and had fresher air….

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